
Study Site: Moscow Zoo (Moscow, Russia).
Dates: Since 2011 onwards.
Participants:Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena, Zaytseva Alexandra.
Collaborators: Ilchenko Olga (Moscow Zoo, Moscow, Russia), Anastasia Chebotareva (Moscow State Pedagogical University and Moscow Zoo, Moscow, Russia).
Popular papers: <Priroda>.
Sounds in the Gallery

Study Site: Surroundings of Cordoba and Experimental scientific farm of Univercity of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) (Albacete, Spain).
Dates: Since 2010 onwards.
Participants:Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena, Matrosova Vera, Sibiryakova Olga, Golosova Olga, Yurlova Daria.
Collaborators: Frey Roland (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), (Berlin, Germany), Carranza Juan (Cátedra de Recursos Cinegéticos y Piscícolas, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain), Landete-Castillejos Tomás and García Andrés José Díaz (Spanish National Game Research Institute (IREC), Section, in Institute of Regional Development (IDR), University of Castilla-La Mancha (Albacete, Spain).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>. <Science & Life>, <Okhota>, <Priroda>, <Okhota>.
Sounds in the Gallery

Study Site: Ecocenter "Djeiran" (Bukhara prov., Uzbekistan).
Dates: Since 2008 onwards.
Participants: Efremova Kseniya, Lapshina Ekaterina, Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena.
Collaborators: Soldatova Natalia (Ecocenter "Djeiran"), Frey Roland (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), Berlin, Germany), Makarov Ilya (Institute for information transmission problems RAS).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>, <Priroda>.
Sounds in the Gallery

Study Site: Volokolamsk breeding centre of Moscow Zoo (Moscow prov., Russia), natural population in Kazakhstan, Okambara Elephant Ranch (Namibia), Natural reserve "Daursky" (Zabaikalsky krai, Russia).
Dates: Since 2001 onwards.
Participants: Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena, Efremova Kseniya, Sibiryakova Olga.
Collaborators: Frey Roland (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Germany), Zuther Steffen, Salemgareev Albert (ACBK, Kazakhstan), Kirilyuk Vadim (Natural reserve "Daursky", Russia).
Popular papers: <Priroda>.
Sounds in the Gallery

Study Site: Experimental fur farm of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Novosibirsk, Russia).
Dates: Since 2005 onward.
Participants: Gogoleva Svetlana, Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena.
Collaborators: Trut L.N. and Kharlamova A.V. (Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>.
Sounds in the Gallery
Ground squirrels speckled Spermophilus suslicus, yellow S. fulvus and red-cheeked S. erythrogenys

Study Site: Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan.
Dates: Since 2003 and 2005, respectively.
Participants: Matrosova Vera, Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena.
Collaborators: Laboratory of population ecology A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS, Pivanova Svetlana (Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, Russia), Blumstein Daniel (University of California, USA), Schneiderová Irena (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic), Ivanova Anastasia (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>.
Sounds in the Gallery

Study Site: City apartments; Collection of Aborigine Windhounds of A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Dates: Since 2000 onwards.
Participants: Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena, Chulkina Marina.
Collaborators: Filatova Olga (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Popular papers: <Priroda>, <Science & Life>, <Science & Life>.
Sounds in the Gallery
Dhole Cuon alpinus

Study Site: Moscow Zoo and Volokolamsk breeding centre of Moscow Zoo (Moscow prov., Russia), zoos of Germany.
Dates: Since 1999.
Participants: Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena, Isaeva Irina, Nagaylik Mikhail, Unck Carolyn.
Collaborators: Frey Roland (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Germany).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>
Sounds in the Gallery

Study Site: Moscow Zoo (Moscow, Russia); St Petersburg University (St Petersburg University, Russia)..
Dates: 1991-2000, since 2013.
Participants: Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena, Kalashnikova Maria, Voinilovitch Maria, Doronina Lilya, Kozhevnikova Julia, Yurlova Daria, Dymskaya Margarita.
Collaborators: Goltsman Mikhail (Lomonosov Moscow State University), Ilchenko Olga (Moscow Zoo, Russia), Smorkacheva Antonina (St Petersburg University).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>.
Sounds in the Gallery
Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus

Study Site: Moscow Zoo and Volokolamsk breeding centre of Moscow Zoo (Moscow prov., Russia), Ecocenter "Djeiran" (Bukhara prov., Uzbekistan).
Dates: 1984-1992, since 2013.
Participants: Volodina Elena.
Collaborators: Chelysheva Elena (Moscow Zoo, Russia).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>.
Sounds in the Gallery
Cranes red-crowned Grus japonensis and Siberian G. leucogeranus

Study Site: Oka Crane Breeding Centre of Oka Biosphere State Nature Reserve (Ryazan region, Russia), Rare Bird Reintroduction Station of Khingansky State Nature Reserve (Amur region, Russia). Zoos in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo, Krasnodar, “Dodo” (Russia).
Dates: Since 2003.
Participants: Klenova Anna, Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena, Kasirova Tatjana.
Collaborators: Kaschentseva Tatjana and Postelnykh Kirill (Oka Crane Breeding Centre of Oka Biosphere State Nature Reserve), Kholodova Marina (Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS), Beme Irina (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>, <Priroda>.
Sounds in the Gallery

Study Site: Moscow Zoo, Tierpark Berlin (Germany), molecular diagnostics methods Laboratory of Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS (Russia).
Dates: sound recordings 2001-2004, diagnostics in the Lab 2004-2005.
Participants: Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena, Klenova Anna, Matrosova Vera.
Collaborators: Kaiser Martin (Tierpark Berlin, Germany), Kholodova Marina (Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS), Filatova Olga (Lomonosov Moscow State Uneversity).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>, <Mir ptits>.
Sounds in the Gallery

Study Site: Moscow Zoo and Volokolamsk breeding centre of Moscow Zoo (Moscow prov., Russia).
Dates: 1990-2008.
Participants: Volodin Ilya, Volodina Elena, Klenova Anna.
Collaborators: Smetanin Innokentij (Moscow Zoo).
Popular papers: <Science & Life>.
Sounds in the Gallery
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